Tuesday 25 September 2012

Week Three: Photography...

Annie Leibovitz
The work of Leibovitz that i looked at, was mainly her Disney dream portraits. Personally, i love them, however, i don't know whether this is because of my love for anything Disney. I like Leibovitz style, as all her work is very bright even if the colours aren't very vibrant and there is a lot of contrast, giving the photos a glow. However, on the websites that i looked at to view the work, people had argued that Leibovitz doesn't necessarily have skills as a photographer, rather more that she has a variety of skills on photoshop.

Eadweard Muybridge

I looked at Muybridges photography during my A Levels when doing a project on animals and movement. Muybridge was the first photographer to show movement within his work, he did this by documenting pictures of horses and figures moving and displaying them next to each other. Because of when these were produced, they look quite old fashioned in the sense that they arent detailed and are mainly just showing suilettes, however i think this suites the nature of the work.

Sandy Skoglund

Skoglund uses ordanary settings for her images but makes it so there is a maxium of four colours in each image (well this applies to the images i have looked at). This makes the subjects that are bright colours stand out above everything else that is present in the shot. I really like these images, because i think they suggest how everything is mass produced, even life, and i think this image below, is trying to suggest that this couples life would be dull without the cats.

1 comment:

  1. Megan a really good set of images, you write very intelligently and honestly about what you are looking at. The Thorsten Brinkmann images look particularly good by the side of the real thing.
